Mwense Trades Training Institute (MwTTI) is located in Mwense District of Luapula Province at plot number S/MWENS/4040805 along Kashikishi road and is a public institution under the Ministry of Technology and Science. The institute was commissioned on 6th April, 2019 to offer skills training and also promote access to high quality education. Furthermore, the institute operates under the TEVET Act No.13 of 1998 and amendment Act No. 11 of 2005. In addition, the institute is accredited with the Technical Education Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Authority (TEVETA) to offer technical and vocational programmes.

The mandate of the institute is one that fosters inclusive skills training which leaves no one behind and thus carters for those who have never been to school, those who have been and the needs of the labour market. Hence it is twofold as follows:

  1. Deliver Technical, Vocational, and Entrepreneurship Training to Grade 12 school leavers, primary and high school dropouts and those that have never been to school.
  2. Offer responsive training to community needs and the labour market.

The institute delivers its training mandate through the following departments:

Applied Sciences

The Applied Sciences Department provide of support services to other departments by offering the related subjects such as Engineering Science, Engineering Mathematics, Communication Skills, Entrepreneurship and Computer Application/Information Communication Technology (ICT). 

Engineering and Construction

The Engineering and Construction Department is responsible for training students in Engineering and Construction programmes. These include Trade Test Certificate and Craft Certificate programmes. The duration for Trade Test programmes varies from 3 months, 6 months and 1 year. The duration of Craft programmes is 2 years. This department offers the following programmes:

  1. Automotive Engineering
  2. Electrical Technology
  3. Bricklaying and Masonry
  4. Carpentry and Joinery
  5. Metal Fabrication and Welding

Agriculture and Business

The Department is responsible for proving training is agricultural courses and Fashion and Design.  So far the department has 78 goats, 11 sheep, 11 pigs and 123 layers. The department also 5 fish ponds for training at the institute and is looking at stocking 8 production ponds in Nkumbi village. This department offers the following programmes:

  1. General Agriculture
  2. Fish Farming
  3. Fashion Design and Textile Technology


Mwense Trades Training Institute made a number of achievements in the year 2023. The institute managed to successfully hold its first ever graduation ceremony since it was commissioned and graduated 1723 students.

The institute managed to secure sponsorship for its lecturing staff under the TEVET Human Resource Development Plan. A total of 7 lecturers have been sponsored out of which 2 are pursuing degrees in Electrical engineering, 1 studying a degree in ICT, 1 studying a degree in Design technology, 1 studying a diploma in Automotive electrical and 1 studying a diploma in teaching methodology.

The institute also saw an increase in student enrolments and managed to train 513 students in the 2023 academic year. From this number 191 were females while 322 were males.

In the area of increasing our course portfolio, the institute introduced 2 programmes namely Carpentry and Joinery and Metal Fabrication and Welding.

In order to enhance the quality of training, in Automotive Engineering we procured a new petrol and diesel runner engine. In Carpentry and Joinery we procured over K 100 000.00 worth of hand tools and equipment.

Mwense Trades also embarked on a number of income generating ventures or production units. We signed a contract with Ministry of Education to refurbish desks for Mwense, Mwansabombwe, Kawambwa,and Nchelenge districts. Under this project the institute made a profit of K 553, 426.7 under the metal fabrication and carpentry production unit. In Agriculture the institute made the following sales: K 33, 492.00 for Broilers, K 6, 835.00 for Eggs and K 3, 940 for Goats.

In Fashion Design and Textile Technology we made and sold 146 worksuits and 140 lab coats. We also produced 243 graduation gowns some of which were sold or hired to students.

The Management Board of the institute was appointed in 2023 and within the same year the Board approved new conditions of service for staff and a full organization structure to enhance institutional management.